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Case Study

Launch of the 4th version of the website for Éditions Le Fennec

Wahid Lahlou
#Case study#Achievement#Website
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A Trusted Brand Since 2006

We are proud to launch the 4th version of the Éditions Le Fennec website 💪🏻

The first version of the site was launched in 2006, already 18 years ago. Led by Layla Chaouni, a pioneering figure in the Moroccan cultural scene, Éditions Le Fennec has renewed their trust in us to handle a new transformation of their websites. The site is an international online store featuring over 280 Moroccan books.

Visit the site >

Who are Éditions Le Fennec?

Le Fennec is a Moroccan publishing house that has been publishing in French and Arabic since 1987. The publishing house carries a noble mission: to spread Moroccan literature to as many people as possible by offering high-quality books while remaining accessible. Most of their books are sold for 30 DH!

Initially, Le Fennec’s publications focused on essays and studies, addressing themes such as women’s and men’s rights, laws, and Islam. They remain very involved in societal issues. At the same time, the publishing house has published works by established novelists as well as debut novels, covering various genres such as autofiction, historical novels, and thrillers.

Among their most well-known authors are Fatéma Mernissi, Mahi Binebine, Driss Ksikess, Aïcha Chenna, Réda Dalil, Jamal Belakhdar, and Leila Slimani.


The objectives for the new version of the LeFennec.com site were multiple and varied. We worked closely with Éditions Le Fennec to understand their specific needs and to develop a strategy that would help them achieve their goals. Here are the main objectives we identified and worked on:

W20 Services

To achieve the defined objectives, our team at W20 implemented several specific services, covering various aspects of the project. Each of these services was designed to meet the precise needs of Éditions Le Fennec.

Consulting and Support

To establish a solid foundation for the site’s transformation, we provided strategic consulting and support services. We started with a comprehensive review of the existing digital marketing strategy, redefining objectives and providing recommendations based on an in-depth analysis of reports and audience.

Design Renewal

To modernize and harmonize the visual identity of Éditions Le Fennec, we proceeded with a complete redesign of the site. Our goal was to create a coherent design that strengthens the brand’s identity and improves the user experience.

Performance and Security

To improve the site’s speed and security, we took significant measures to optimize performance and protect against threats. We migrated the site to a more powerful server and configured caching and CDN solutions for better performance. Additionally, we strengthened the site’s security following a hacking incident.

Ordering Process

To improve the user experience and increase conversions, we simplified and optimized the ordering process. Our goal was to make the process clearer, faster, and more secure for the end customer.


To make the site more attractive and relevant, we implemented dynamic and well-structured content. We worked on writing content related to current events, improved store filters for a better user experience, and optimized SEO to increase online visibility.


To achieve these results, we used advanced technologies. These tools ensured optimal performance, enhanced security, and a high-quality user experience.

Mission Accomplished!

Through close collaboration with Éditions Le Fennec, we were able to launch an improved and optimized version of their website, meeting their specific needs in terms of branding, performance, security, and conversion. This digital transformation now allows Le Fennec to strengthen their online presence, increase sales, and further spread Moroccan literature.

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