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Content Writing

How to write content effectively with ChatGPT?

Wahid Lahlou
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My transition to using ChatGPT for writing has been an enriching journey, marked by challenges and successes:

  • Work process transformation: ChatGPT, which should be considered as an assistant, has significantly improved my workflow, despite some initial challenges related to content quantity, style, and AI detection.
  • Adjustments and customization: I adapted my working method by making ChatGPT adopt a more precise style and by leveraging the features of the paid version for more advanced customizations.
  • Conclusive results: With persistence, I managed to produce content that faithfully reflects my voice while adhering to Google’s recommendations.

This experience allowed me to optimize my content production and fully exploit ChatGPT’s capabilities.

Writing with ChatGPT is not a panacea…

Writing content with ChatGPT (version 4) to assist me, I ended up becoming quick and efficient. But I am far from asking it to generate an article from a simple prompt. I have worked hard to develop a satisfactory writing methodology with ChatGPT.

In summary, ChatGPT has become my assistant. And it should be considered as such.

Nevertheless, it has transformed my way of working.

I strive to follow Google’s recommendations and the principles of “useful content” and E-E-A-T.

My experience with AI: from disappointment to disappointment…

It started with a lot of hope. Like almost everyone, I thought AI would be a miracle solution.

Insufficient quantity

So, I started by asking ChatGPT to write complete articles, but my first disappointment was that the quantity was not sufficient. Statistics show that long articles statistically get more views than short articles.

So, I changed tactics. I asked ChatGPT to provide me with a detailed plan and then write each section separately. I solved my quantity problem, and I thought it was over. Far from it!

Tone and style completely off

Next, I noticed that the tone and style did not match what I was looking for at all. It was miles away from my style and very recognizable as AI-generated content. So, I thought techniques needed to be found. Refine the style by doing prompt engineering, try other AIs and writing tools.

The result improved, but I was already far from the initial dream of giving it a prompt with a topic and getting a finished article.

AI detectors

Then, I discovered the existence of AI-generated text detectors. I was shocked that almost everything I produced was detected as having a probability of being between 95% and 100% AI!

This led me to think that Google might also detect my content as non-authentic, which not only aggravated my disappointment but also questioned the entire value of the writing work.

So, I tried to use other AI technologies in the hope of “humanizing” my content. However, I soon realized that my efforts were in vain.

The very idea of using AI to counter AI seemed perverse to me.

Quillbot AI Detector

Here are the ones I used:

Note that the percentage (e.g., 72%) given by the detectors does not mean that the text was written 72% by AI, but that the probability that it was written by AI is 72%.

Back to basics

Writing content with ChatGPT is not at all what I expected. In the end, going back to basics became obvious.

In reality, rediscovering Google’s recommendations was a true liberation for me. In this context, AI threatens to replace Google search. And with the technological arsenal offered to SEO manipulators, the quality of search results has deteriorated. Google has therefore had to refine its detection mechanisms.

Thus, for those of us who wish to preserve the authenticity of our work, it’s a boon! We no longer need to play the dangerous game of trying to “beat Google.”

How to achieve good results when writing with ChatGPT?

My instructions to ChatGPT for tone and style

Adjustments are always necessary

That said, my experience has shown that even with these adjustments, writing with ChatGPT never reaches perfection on the first try. Adjustments are an integral part of my process.

I start by copying and pasting the generated text, then I rework it. I often reformulate it. I often delete sentences, shorten others, or merge them when necessary.

That said, it represents an exceptional time saver.

Tip: get the paid version

I highly recommend getting the monthly ChatGPT Plus subscription.

In addition to being much less limited by the number of requests, it allows creating customized GPTs to which you give global directives in the form of text or documents.

Therefore, instead of repeating the instructions each time regarding style and global information about you and the goal of your conversation, everything is memorized. This does not prevent adjustments as you go along, as I mentioned, but it’s a huge time saver. You can also adjust the overall configuration of the GPT itself when necessary.

Personally, I find that the help and time that ChatGPT saves me, not only in terms of writing itself, is worth much more than $20 per month.

Conclusion: laborious but convincing

My revised process for writing with ChatGPT has proven to be extremely effective!

It remains the style that suits me, and I invite you to find your own. Take your time, the effort is worth it.

It has allowed me to save time on several levels: research, organization, and actual writing. Thanks to this method, I produce several articles in the time it used to take me to write just one. I often do it in parallel, with the AI giving me ideas during the process, or I see that I have a lot of content that could make 2 or 3 articles.

Finally – and this is a significant victory – my content is often detected by AI detectors as being practically 100% human. This means not only that I manage to maintain authenticity and my personality in my writings but also to meet the requirements and recommendations of Google in terms of useful content and E-E-A-T.

I feel that the content reflects my voice, my ideas, and my style, thanks to ChatGPT being a good assistant, not a replacement. Plus, it’s fun! It makes you feel less alone 😊

Give me your feedback on this methodology. I would be happy to discuss it and discover your methods.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to use ChatGPT for content writing? Experience has shown that using ChatGPT as an assistant, rather than a replacement for complete article writing, is most beneficial. This involves working interactively with the tool to generate detailed plans and write sections individually to optimize the quantity and quality of the content.
How to adjust the style and tone of content generated by ChatGPT? It is essential to refine the style and tone of the content generated by ChatGPT to match your unique voice. This may involve prompt engineering, using specific guidelines for tone, style, and structure, and manual revisions to polish the produced text.
How to deal with AI-generated content detectors? Facing detection by specialized tools, adopting a hybrid approach in using ChatGPT, combined with substantial manual adjustments to the generated content, can help maintain authenticity and reduce the chances of being flagged as non-human content.
What are the benefits of the paid ChatGPT Plus

subscription for writing?

The paid ChatGPT Plus subscription offers significant advantages, such as fewer restrictions on the number of requests and the ability to create customized models, which saves time and improves the overall efficiency of the writing process.

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